Monday, January 08, 2007

Ephemeral Press: The Machine Publishes from Pilsen

The Machine debuted this month and delivered eight pages of sprawly Pilsen coverage.

The back page features Emerson Dameron's "Top Ten Pilsen Attractions." They are:

1. The 18th Street El Station

2. Cafe Jumping Bean (at 1439 W. 18th Street)

3. The Neighborhood Kids

4. Cristo Rey (A Jesuit School near Cermak and Wolcott)

5. Gang Graffiti

6. Satan's Disciples (Not sure what the attraction is here. The note says his Jewish roommate had a giant, blinking Star of David that she couldn't hang near the window, less rival gangs confuse it as a Satan's Disciples' marker. )

7. The Activists (All left un-named.)

8. The Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum

9. Dia De Los Muertos

10. The Pods. (The attraction here, according to Dameron, is that you will appreciate everything that is not owned by the Podmajersky family.)

The paper is published by The Machine Media. They say it took them 16 months to get it out. So that means you should look for the next copy around May 2008.

P.S. I found my copy at one of my favorite spots as of late -- the delicious and wireless Swim Cafe.

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