Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Won for the Environment: Debra Shore

Hooray! Debra Shore, whom I've blogged about before here,here, and here, WON her bid to become a manager of the Water Reclamation District. From her blast e-mail today:
We did it!

Though the official vote totals won’t be in for a while, it appears that I have captured second place in the Water Reclamation race. We only needed to be in the top three, so this is GREAT!

Yes, it is great. But, what struck me in an OMG! way was her before and after election day photos. Take a look for yourself. Here's a typical image supporters and voters saw before Election Day.

Now, here's the photo I received today in the post-election e-mail.

Yikes - what a change! Where did outdoorsy Debra go? I hope this means she's aspiring to run for governor rather than she's turned all politico on us already. Or, maybe that's how she gets ready to kick butts and take names. I sure hope so.

Congratulations, Debra! You go girl.


Anonymous said...

Good for her! I read the article about her in The Reader and admire what she stands for.

J R said...

Me too. I revised my post to include a formal congratulations. She ran a TERRIFIC campaign and I'm really very proud of her.

I do hope my comments on her new look didn't take anything away from her for that. I was just a bit surprised to see the new, super-spiffied up look.

I'm still proud she's my candidate. Yeah, Debra! Yeah, healthy environment!

Invisible Man said...

I’m pissed. I didn't like her from the start, or well didn’t like her when I asked her- at a Dean meet up -about her views on corruption in City Government. She went out of her way to praise Daley and his administration. Just another head in the sand- while Rome burns- lake front liberal.

I voted for Frank Avila who lost

Yead Debra healthy environment, but don't make no waves